Born to Raise Hell (2010) is an intense action film that follows a dedicated Interpol Agent as he infiltrates the dangerous world of gun trafficking and drug smuggling in Eastern Europe. Assigned to a task force targeting these criminal activities throughout the Balkans, the agent finds himself in the midst of a violent street war between a ruthless Russian gun dealer and a Gypsy gang.
During his investigation, tragedy strikes when one of his task force members is killed in the street war. Motivated by vengeance, the agent embarks on an adrenaline-fueled journey to avenge his friend's death. The film takes audiences on a thrilling and action-packed ride as the agent confronts the criminals responsible for his friend's murder.
Directed by Lauro Chartrand and starring Steven Seagal, Born to Raise Hell is a gripping action film that delves into the gritty underworld of organized crime and corruption. With jaw-dropping fight sequences and high-stakes moments, the film keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
With its fast-paced plot and intense action scenes, Born to Raise Hell is a must-watch for fans of the action genre. Get ready for a pulse-pounding and thrilling experience as the agent fights to bring justice to those who have wronged him and his team.