Beware the Slenderman is a gripping and chilling documentary that delves into the disturbing true story of two 12-year-old girls' horrifying attempt to murder their friend. Inspired by the fictional character known as Slenderman, a terrifying monster from an online horror website, these young girls believed they could please him by sacrificing someone close to them.
This riveting documentary explores the chilling events leading up to the shocking crime and provides a deep dive into the psychology behind the girls' obsession with Slenderman. Through interviews with family members, legal experts, and psychologists, the film uncovers the complex dynamics that contributed to this horrific act.
As the unsettling tale unfolds, Beware the Slenderman also examines the influence of the internet on our impressionable youth and the blurred lines between fiction and reality. The film delves into the power of online communities and how they can manipulate vulnerable individuals into dangerous actions.
With its unsettling footage and intimate interviews, Beware the Slenderman paints a disturbing portrait of two girls who spiraled down a dark and delusional path. This thought-provoking documentary invites viewers to confront the implications of online platforms and the lasting impact they can have on young minds.
Watch Beware the Slenderman to unravel the haunting tale of these troubled young individuals and grapple with the complexities of modern society's connection to the digital realm.
Also Known As:
Beware the SlendermanRelease Date:
26 Aug 2018Awards:
1 win & 4 nominations.