American Teen (2008) is a captivating documentary that offers a revealing and intimate glimpse into the lives of high school seniors in a small Indiana town. This compelling film delves into the world of teenagers, exploring the complexities of their friendships, romances, and aspirations.
Set against the backdrop of Warsaw Community High School, American Teen introduces viewers to a diverse cast of characters, each belonging to their own unique clique. From the popular jock to the artsy misfit, this documentary showcases the different social groups that exist within the school.
Through a series of interviews, personal footage, and observational moments, the film paints a relatable and honest portrait of teenage life. It touches upon universal themes such as identity, peer pressure, and the pursuit of dreams, ensuring that audiences of all ages can connect with the experiences depicted.
With a skillful blend of humor, drama, and emotion, American Teen takes viewers on an emotional rollercoaster as they navigate the ups and downs of life during their final year of high school. The raw and authentic storytelling captures the essence of adolescence, allowing viewers to reflect on their own memories and experiences.
This award-winning documentary offers an unfiltered look at the challenges and triumphs that these young individuals face, making it a must-watch for anyone seeking a thought-provoking and insightful exploration of teenage life.
Also Known As:
American TeenRelease Date:
15 Aug 2008Writers:
Nanette BursteinAwards:
2 wins & 5 nominations