Dead Like Me is a thought-provoking and darkly comedic TV series that follows the life of Georgia 'George' Lass, a young temp clerk whose life takes an unexpected turn when she is killed by a toilet seat falling from the Mir space station. Instead of moving on to the afterlife, George becomes a grim reaper, tasked with collecting souls of the living shortly before they die.
As George navigates the complexities of her new existence, she learns that being a grim reaper involves more than just collecting souls. Alongside her fellow reapers, George must find purpose and come to terms with her own death, while also helping those she encounters on her hauntingly funny journeys.
With a brilliant mix of dark humor, supernatural elements, and poignant character development, Dead Like Me offers a unique and engaging exploration of mortality and the afterlife. The series delves into existential themes and showcases the struggles of a diverse cast of reapers as they navigate their own personal challenges and learn what it means to truly live.
With stellar performances from Ellen Muth as George and an ensemble cast that includes Mandy Patinkin and Callum Blue, Dead Like Me succeeds in creating a compelling and provocative narrative that will keep audiences captivated from start to finish. Perfect for fans of unconventional storytelling and philosophical undertones, this cult classic is a must-watch for anyone seeking a truly memorable and entertaining television experience.
Also Known As:
Dead Like MeRelease Date:
27 Jun 2003Writers:
Bryan FullerAwards:
Nominated for 2 Primetime Emmys. 8 nominations total