Carnage Park is a thrilling crime caper turned survival horror film set in the 1970s. The movie follows the story of two aspiring criminals who attempt a bank heist but quickly find themselves in a desperate fight for survival. After their plan goes south, they escape into the desert and unknowingly stumble upon Carnage Park, a secluded area ruled by a deranged ex-military sniper.
As the two criminals try to evade capture, they soon discover that escaping the relentless sniper's clutches is not as easy as they thought. They must navigate through a treacherous landscape filled with deadly traps and psychopathic killers. The tension rises as their chances of survival dwindle, and they must use every ounce of their wits and strength to outsmart their pursuers.
Carnage Park combines elements of crime, horror, and survival, immersing viewers in a heart-pounding and suspenseful experience. The movie pays homage to the gritty and intense films of the 1970s, filled with retro stylings and atmospheric tension. With its unpredictable twists and turns, Carnage Park is a gripping thrill ride that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats until the very end.