Current Theega is a Telugu Action Comedy Romance film directed by G. Nageswara Reddy. The story revolves around Sivarama Raju, the village headman who has three daughters, with Kavitha being the youngest. Raju, a carefree and fun-loving young man, is infatuated with the gorgeous teacher played by Sunny Leone. However, his dreams of winning her over are hampered by Sivarama Raju, who is determined to find a suitable groom for Kavitha.
The movie is filled with action, comedy, and romance as Raju navigates his way through various hilarious situations in his pursuit of love. Along the way, he encounters obstacles and challenges, bringing entertaining twists to the plot.
Current Theega offers a unique blend of humor, romance, and adrenaline-pumping action that keeps the audience engaged throughout the film. The chemistry between the lead characters adds an extra layer of charm to the storyline.
Directed by G. Nageswara Reddy, the film showcases his knack for storytelling and ability to create an entertaining cinematic experience. Current Theega is a must-watch for fans of Telugu cinema, combining elements of comedy, romance, and action in a seamless and captivating manner.