People Places Things is a heartwarming and relatable comedy-drama that follows the life of Will Henry, a graphic novelist who finds himself navigating through the challenges of being a newly single father. Will is not only dealing with the pressures of raising his young twin daughters on his own, but also struggling with writer's block and teaching a classroom full of students.
As he tries to find his footing in his new role as a single parent, Will also embarks on a journey of self-discovery, exploring the complexities of new love and learning to let go of the woman who left him. Along the way, he encounters various ups and downs, all while trying to balance his career and personal life.
Led by the talented Jemaine Clement, People Places Things is a heartfelt story that tackles themes of love, loss, and the challenges of modern-day relationships. With its blend of humor and emotional depth, the film offers a realistic portrayal of the struggles and triumphs of single parenthood.
Filled with charming performances and witty dialogue, People Places Things is a must-watch for anyone looking for a heartfelt and entertaining story about love and personal growth.