Bakery in Brooklyn is a heartwarming comedy film that tells the story of two cousins, Vivien and Chloe, who inherit their aunt's beloved bakery in Brooklyn. Vivien is a serious, disciplined woman who is eager to turn the failing bakery around and continue their family's legacy. On the other hand, Chloe is a carefree, Bohemian spirited woman with different priorities in life.
As the cousins navigate through the challenges of running a business together, they clash due to their differing personalities and visions for the bakery's future. While Vivien is focused on attracting high-end customers and reviving the bakery's reputation, Chloe wants to introduce innovative ideas to appeal to a younger crowd.
They both embark on a journey of self-discovery, learning valuable lessons about life, love, and the importance of family along the way. With the help of colorful neighborhood characters and a charming romance, they begin to find common ground and work together to save the bakery.
Filled with delightful humor and heartwarming moments, Bakery in Brooklyn celebrates the power of family bonds and the resilience of the human spirit. Join Vivien and Chloe as they navigate the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, finding not only success in their bakery but also in their personal lives.
Also Known As:
Bakery in BrooklynRelease Date:
20 Jan 2017Writers:
Francisco Zegers, Gustavo Ron