Everywhen, a thrilling science fiction film set in the year 2077, explores the intriguing concept of a phenomenon called Everywhen, where everything happens simultaneously. Suddenly, a staggering 3 billion people from across the world vanish, leaving behind a perplexing mystery. Did they all journey to a parallel reality? The movie follows the journey of a brave 17-year-old boy who manages to return from this alternate dimension, driven by the desperate mission to save his younger brother, who is only six years old.
This gripping narrative delves into the uncharted territories of time and space, offering audiences a thrilling experience as they follow the protagonist's quest. As he navigates through the perplexing situation, the boy encounters a plethora of challenges and obstacles, adding to the suspense and excitement of the plot.
Everywhen grips the viewers with its unique storytelling technique, leaving them on the edge of their seats as they unravel the mystery behind the simultaneous disappearance and attempt to comprehend the nature of this enigmatic parallel reality. As the boy races against time, the stakes grow higher, creating a heart-pounding climax that will keep audiences engaged until the final moments.
Prepare to embark on a rollercoaster ride through time and dimensions in Everywhen, a gripping sci-fi adventure that explores an extraordinary phenomenon and the heroic journey of a determined young boy who defies the impossible to save his brother.