Found is a gripping and chilling horror film adapted from Todd Rigney's novel. The story focuses on Marty, a timid and mistreated fifth-grader who seeks solace in horror movies. However, Marty's life takes a terrifying turn when he discovers a human head hidden in his brother's closet. Consumed by fear for his family's safety, Marty must find a way to reach out to his older brother, Steve, whose disturbing desires and murderous tendencies threaten to shatter everything Marty holds dear.
This suspenseful and psychological thriller explores themes of fear, family bonds, and the darkness that can lurk within even the closest relationships. Marty's desperate struggle to reconnect with Steve and prevent the destruction of their lives creates a tension-filled narrative that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
With its evocative storytelling and masterful execution, Found offers a unique and unsettling cinematic experience. It delves into the disturbing aspects of human nature, showcasing the transformative power of fear. As Marty fights against the horrors unfolding around him, viewers are plunged into a world where the line between reality and nightmares blurs, leaving them questioning their own sanity.
Prepare to be captivated and unsettled as you journey into the twisted depths of Marty's life in Found, a thought-provoking and haunting exploration of the darkness that can reside within us all.