Among Friends is a twisted horror film that takes place during an 80s dinner party. The atmosphere is initially lively and fun, but things quickly take a dark turn when one individual decides to hijack the evening in the name of integrity. As the night progresses, this individual aims to coerce the other guests into revealing their betrayals and secrets, exposing the true nature of their relationships. The group soon realizes that they are in for a night of terror and shocking revelations.
This movie serves as the directorial debut of Scream Queen Danielle Harris and features an ensemble cast including Christopher Backus, Jennifer Blanc, AJ Bowen, Dana Daurey, Brianne Davis, Kane Hodder, Kamala Jones, Alyssa Lobit, and Chris Meyer. Among Friends is a thrilling and suspenseful ride that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats as they witness the depths to which individuals are willing to go to protect their secrets and expose the truth.
With its 80s backdrop, Among Friends offers a nostalgia-filled experience while showcasing a unique blend of horror and psychological thriller elements. This film is a must-watch for fans of the genre, as it delves into the darker aspects of human nature and the consequences of unchecked betrayal. Get ready for a night of suspense, twists, and surprises in Among Friends.