In the comedy film Rapture-Palooza (2013), the rapture has occurred, leaving Lindsey (played by Anna Kendrick), her boyfriend Ben (played by John Francis Daley), and their families stranded on Earth to endure torment. However, their lives take a turn when they encounter Earl Gundy (played by Craig Robinson), a former politician who has now become the Anti-Christ and goes by the name The Beast.
When The Beast sets his sights on making Lindsey his wife, she and Ben must devise a plan to overthrow the Anti-Christ and escape his clutches. With the help of their friends and some unconventional allies, they embark on a wild journey to take down The Beast and put an end to his unholy reign.
Rapture-Palooza is a hilarious and irreverent take on the apocalyptic trope, with comedic performances from a talented cast. Anna Kendrick shines as the resourceful and determined Lindsey, while John Francis Daley brings charm and wit to his role as Ben. Craig Robinson delivers a memorable portrayal of the power-hungry and comically evil Anti-Christ, adding a unique twist to the story.
Filled with laughs, outrageous situations, and unexpected plot twists, Rapture-Palooza is a fast-paced and entertaining ride that will keep viewers engaged from start to finish. Whether you're a fan of dark comedies or simply looking for a lighthearted and fun movie, Rapture-Palooza is sure to deliver an enjoyable viewing experience.