Butcher Boys (2012) takes the viewers on a thrilling and horrifying journey into the dark heart of inner-city America. The story revolves around Sissy, her brother Mikey, and their friends Kenny and Barbie, whose innocent birthday celebration at a fancy restaurant takes a terrifying turn. They find themselves confronted by a sinister group known as the Boneboys.
The Boneboys, inspired by Jonathan Swift's cannibalistic story A Modest Proposal, are a ruthless gang of international predators who profit from dealing in human flesh, be it alive or dead. Their gruesome activities span across various cities around the world.
As Sissy, Mikey, Kenny, and Barbie find themselves caught up in the Boneboys' sadistic games, their survival becomes uncertain. The movie is filled with hair-raising chases, intense confrontations, and shocking discoveries.
Butcher Boys delivers a non-stop roller coaster ride of suspense and horror, leaving audiences on the edge of their seats. It explores the chilling depths of human depravity and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of unimaginable terror.
This film will captivate fans of the horror genre looking for a dark and gripping story. With its intense action and twisted plot, Butcher Boys provides a truly unforgettable viewing experience.