Detention (2011) is a captivating comedy/horror film set in Grizzly Lake High School. The story follows a group of teenagers who find themselves entangled in a mysterious murder case. When their classmate is brutally killed by an unknown person disguised as the infamous 'Cinderhella' character from a popular horror film, the entire school is thrown into chaos.
As suspicion runs high, the group of students, who have all found themselves in detention, set out on a quest to uncover the identity of the killer. With their lives on the line, they must work together and use their knowledge of horror movies to decipher the enigma and escape the nightmarish situation.
Detention cleverly blends elements of comedy and horror, providing an engaging and thrilling viewing experience. It showcases the quirky personalities of the characters as they navigate high school life, all while trying to survive a deadly game. The film takes viewers on a rollercoaster ride filled with unexpected twists and turns, keeping them on the edge of their seats until the very end.
Directed by Joseph Kahn, Detention offers a unique and refreshing take on the horror genre. It explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and self-discovery against a backdrop of teenage angst and supernatural terror. With its witty dialogue, imaginative storytelling, and an impressive soundtrack, Detention is a must-watch for fans of both horror and comedy genres.