Dread is a psychological horror film that follows the journey of Stephen Grace, a cinema student who develops a peculiar friendship with Quaid. Both Stephen and Quaid have experienced personal traumas in their lives, with Stephen losing his brother in a car accident and Quaid haunted by nightmares of his parents' death. In an attempt to confront their fears, the two friends decide to research and document their innermost fears.
Stephen sees this project as an opportunity to create an original thesis for college and invites his friend Cheryl to join them. Together, they interview various individuals, including Stephen's colleague Abby, who struggles with insecurities about her appearance. However, as the project progresses, Quaid's behavior becomes increasingly unstable, leading to a destructive outburst during one interview.
This event prompts Stephen to re-evaluate the project and question the consequences of delving too deeply into their fears. As the tension and paranoia escalate, the characters are forced to confront their darkest fears, leading to a shocking and horrifying climax.
Dread delves into the depths of human fears and the lengths individuals will go to confront and understand them. With its intense psychological themes and gripping storyline, this film is sure to captivate audiences and keep them on the edge of their seats.
Also Known As:
DreadRelease Date:
30 Oct 2009Writers:
Clive Barker, Anthony DiBlasiAwards:
1 nomination