Norbit is a heartwarming comedy that follows the life of a man named Norbit, who was adopted by Mr. Wong and later married to the formidable Rasputia. When Norbit's childhood crush, Kate Thomas, returns to town to buy the local orphanage, he sees it as an opportunity to rekindle their love. However, he soon discovers that Kate is engaged to the wealthy and suspicious Deion Hughes.
As Norbit navigates the challenges of his marriage to Rasputia, he is determined not to let his chance with Kate slip away. With Deion also hiding a secret of his own, the situation becomes even more complicated. Norbit must find a way to expose Deion's secret and win back Kate's love, all while surviving life with his overbearing and intimidating wife.
This hilarious and heartwarming film showcases the importance of love, friendship, and the courage to stand up for what you want. Starring Eddie Murphy in multiple roles, Norbit is a must-watch for those seeking laughter and a heartwarming story. Join Norbit on his journey as he navigates the challenges of love and tries to find happiness amidst seemingly insurmountable obstacles.