Looney Tunes: Back in Action (2003) takes viewers on an epic adventure as the beloved Looney Tunes characters embark on a mission to find a missing father and the legendary Blue Monkey diamond. Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck team up with a human security guard named DJ Drake to track down DJ's father, a famous movie actor who has mysteriously vanished. Along the way, they discover that the missing father possesses a top-secret diamond rumored to have mystical powers.
From the bustling streets of Paris to the scorching deserts of Africa, this action-packed comedy showcases the iconic Looney Tunes characters in their signature hilarious and wacky fashion. As they encounter numerous obstacles, dastardly villains, and zany mishaps, Bugs Bunny and his friends remain determined to save DJ's father and protect the powerful Blue Monkey diamond from falling into the wrong hands.
With stunning animation and a star-studded cast, including Brendan Fraser, Jenna Elfman, and the voices of Billy West and Joe Alaskey, Looney Tunes: Back in Action promises non-stop laughs and heartwarming moments for fans of all ages. Packed with references to classic Looney Tunes cartoons, this film pays homage to the timeless humor and enduring charm of these beloved characters. Join Bugs Bunny and his gang on this thrilling and comedic journey as they take on an unforgettable mission to reunite a family and preserve the world's most sought-after gem.
Also Known As:
Looney Tunes: Back in ActionRelease Date:
14 Nov 2003Writers:
Larry DoyleAwards:
10 nominations