Summary: Rat Race (2001) is a hilarious and chaotic comedy that follows six lucky contestants who stumble upon an incredible opportunity while playing at Donald P. Sinclair's casino. Sinclair has hidden six gold coins in different slot machines, each granting its finder a chance to win $2 million. The contestants, filled with excitement and greed, embark on a wild race to unlock a locker in New Mexico where the cash awaits.
With no rules in place, anything and everything imaginable happens during this madcap pursuit. From crazy car chases to precarious encounters with zealous fans and eccentric locals, the contestants face countless obstacles and unexpected situations. As the race intensifies, Sinclair's associates place bets on the outcome, adding another layer of excitement to the mix.
As the contestants navigate increasingly outrageous scenarios, they learn valuable lessons about friendship, honesty, and the true meaning of success. With an all-star cast including Rowan Atkinson, Whoopi Goldberg, and John Cleese, Rat Race promises constant laughter and outrageous entertainment from start to finish.
Don't miss out on this hilarious adventure that explores the unpredictable twists and turns of human nature when faced with the chance to win a life-changing sum of money. Get ready for a rollercoaster ride filled with comedic genius and unexpected surprises in Rat Race.
Also Known As:
Rat RaceRelease Date:
17 Aug 2001Writers:
Andy BreckmanAwards:
3 nominations.