Belly is a gripping crime drama that takes viewers deep into the world of two friends involved in organized crime and drug dealing. Released in 1998, the film explores the contrasting priorities of childhood friends Tommy Buns Bundy and Sincere Davis, played by rappers DMX and Nas, respectively.
As the story unfolds, the friends' lives begin to diverge. While Sincere yearns for a more meaningful existence and wants to leave the criminal world behind, Buns revels in the power and wealth that come with their illicit activities. The film raises thought-provoking questions about choices, loyalty, and the consequences of a life of crime.
Directed by acclaimed music video director Hype Williams, Belly stands out with its visually stunning aesthetic, capturing the gritty streets of New York City and incorporating stylish visuals that have become its signature. The film also boasts a star-studded cast, including hip-hop legends Method Man and DMX, as well as celebrated actress and model Tionne T-Boz Watkins.
Incorporating elements of action, suspense, and social commentary, Belly is a thought-provoking crime drama that captivates viewers from start to finish. With its stylish visuals and powerhouse performances, the film offers a visceral and unforgettable cinematic experience.
Also Known As:
BellyRelease Date:
04 Nov 1998Writers:
Anthony Bodden, Nas, Hype WilliamsAwards:
1 nomination