Evita is a riveting musical film that chronicles the extraordinary life of Eva Perón, also known as Evita Duarte. This captivating story follows her humble beginnings as a struggling actress in B-picture films to her rise as the adored First Lady of Argentina alongside her husband, President Juan Domingo Perón. Evita's powerful presence and charismatic personality earned her both immense adoration and profound criticism, making her the most loved and despised woman in the country.
This epic tale showcases the political and social turmoil that defined Argentina during the mid-20th century. Through breathtaking musical numbers and evocative performances, Evita delves into the complexities of power, ambition, and the price of fame. The film offers a glimpse into the personal struggles and sacrifices Evita made to fulfill her aspirations and champion the rights of the working-class people.
Directed by the visionary filmmaker Alan Parker and featuring an unforgettable performance by Madonna as Evita, this mesmerizing film explores themes of love, ambition, and the pursuit of a better world. With its impeccable production design and outstanding musical score by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice, Evita transports viewers to a bygone era filled with political intrigue and larger-than-life personalities.
Evita is a triumph of storytelling and a must-watch for fans of musical cinema. Journey through the life of one of Argentina's most iconic figures and witness the extraordinary legacy she left behind.
Also Known As:
EvitaRelease Date:
10 Jan 1997Writers:
Tim Rice, Alan Parker, Oliver StoneAwards:
Won 1 Oscar. 19 wins & 43 nominations total