Title: The Demoniacs (1974)
Summary: Le Capitaine, the Bosco, and their two cohorts are treacherous sailors known for wrecking ships and plundering their cargo. However, their latest misdeed surpasses their usual mischief. After luring a ship to coastal rocks, the crew brutally rapes and leaves two surviving girls for dead. Unbeknownst to them, these girls receive assistance from unexpected sources, setting the stage for a nightmarish revenge fueled by supernatural forces.
With the aid of a mysterious clown, an exorcist, and even Satan himself, the two young girls transform into vengeful she-devils determined to ruthlessly deliver justice. As their wrath unfolds, the sailors begin to face unimaginable terror and retribution for their heinous acts.
The Demoniacs is a chilling and atmospheric horror film directed by Jean Rollin. This gripping tale explores themes of vengeance, the supernatural, and the resilience of the human spirit. Viewers will be captivated by the movie's haunting imagery, sinister atmosphere, and the visceral tension that permeates each scene.
Prepare to embark on a terrifying journey as this dark tale of revenge unfolds. The Demoniacs serves as a gripping reminder that evil deeds will never go unpunished, even in the face of supernatural intervention.