In Camera is a gripping psychological thriller that centers around Aden, a struggling actor played by Rizwan, as he navigates the harsh world of auditions. Facing constant rejection, Aden becomes desperate for a breakthrough in his career and decides to take matters into his own hands. As he delves deeper into the search for a new role, Aden is forced to confront his own demons and inner turmoil.
The film explores themes of identity, ambition, and the dark side of the entertainment industry, offering a unique and thought-provoking look at the lengths one person is willing to go to achieve success. With a stellar performance from Rizwan and a compelling storyline, In Camera is sure to keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.
Don't miss out on this intense and gripping thriller that will leave you questioning the true cost of fame and the sacrifices one must make in pursuit of their dreams.
Also Known As:
In CameraRelease Date:
21 Oct 2024Writers:
Naqqash KhalidAwards:
2 wins & 6 nominations