In Bangkok Breaking: Heaven and Hell (2024), audiences are introduced to a dedicated rescue worker who becomes entangled in a high-stakes kidnapping plot involving a wealthy mogul's daughter. As he navigates the dangerous underworld of Bangkok, he must protect the young girl from rival gangs who are relentlessly pursuing them. With unpredictable dangers lurking at every turn, the pair must rely on their wits and survival skills to outmaneuver their enemies and stay one step ahead.
This action-packed thriller takes viewers on a heart-pounding journey through the streets of Bangkok, full of suspense and adrenaline-pumping moments. As the unlikely duo races against time to evade capture and make it out alive, they form an unexpected bond that will test their limits and redefine the meaning of sacrifice in the face of danger. Bangkok Breaking: Heaven and Hell (2024) is a riveting tale of courage, resilience, and the unbreakable bond between unlikely allies in the fight for survival.
Also Known As:
Bangkok Breaking: Heaven and HellRelease Date:
26 Sep 2024Writers:
Kome Kongkiat Komesiri