In Baghead (2023), a young woman inherits a dilapidated pub and uncovers a sinister secret lurking in its basement: Baghead, a mysterious shape-shifting entity. This enigmatic creature grants individuals the ability to communicate with deceased loved ones, but at a great cost. As the young woman grapples with the temptation of contacting lost family members, she must confront the harrowing consequences that come with invoking Baghead's power.
The film delves into themes of grief, guilt, and the lengths individuals will go to reunite with those they have lost. With its eerie atmosphere and suspenseful narrative, Baghead promises to captivate audiences as they unravel the mysteries surrounding the supernatural entity. As the young woman navigates the dangerous territory of communicating with the dead, viewers will be drawn into a chilling tale that explores the boundaries between the living and the afterlife.
Experience the spine-tingling suspense of Baghead as it transports you into a world where the lines between the living and the dead blur, leaving a haunting imprint on those who dare to confront the spectral presence of Baghead.
Also Known As:
BagheadRelease Date:
05 Apr 2024Writers:
Christina Pamies, Bryce McGuire, Lorcan Reilly