Peter Mangs – en seriemördares hemlighet (2024) is a gripping documentary film that follows a filmmaker who discovers a cryptic song lyrics titled Under the Radar written by serial killer Peter Mangs during his time in prison. The lyrics contain clues to two unsolved murders in Florida, shedding light on Mangs' dark past. As the filmmaker delves deeper into Mangs' psyche, a sinister secret is unveiled, revealing the extent of his crimes and the mystery surrounding the unsolved cases. Through interviews and archival footage, viewers are taken on a haunting journey into the mind of a serial killer, exploring the depths of his twisted motivations and the impact of his brutal crimes on the victims and their families. Peter Mangs – en seriemördares hemlighet (2024) is a chilling and thought-provoking exploration of the dark side of human nature, offering a glimpse into the mind of a murderer and the secrets he holds.