Tripped Up is a hilarious comedy film that follows the journey of Chef Lizzy and her three best friends as they embark on a chaotic adventure to compete in the highly esteemed Saucy Food Festival. Lizzy's initial intention of participating in the event as a strategic career move quickly transforms into a wild and unpredictable escapade filled with food-induced mayhem, joyous moments, and the strengthening of their female friendship.
The movie revolves around Lizzy and her friends as they navigate the challenges and obstacles that come their way while trying to make their mark in the culinary world. As they face various eccentric characters and unexpected twists, they find themselves bonding even closer, relying on each other's support and laughter to overcome the hurdles they encounter.
Tripped Up is a delightful blend of comedy, food, and camaraderie, providing audiences with a lighthearted and entertaining cinematic experience. The film's humor is heightened by the hilarious mishaps and the comical situations the characters find themselves in, all the while showcasing the power of friendship and the importance of following one's dreams.
With its engaging plot and dynamic characters, Tripped Up promises to deliver a heartwarming and uproarious journey that will leave viewers both entertained and inspired. So, get ready to laugh out loud and join Chef Lizzy and her friends as they embark on this unforgettable culinary adventure.
Also Known As:
Tripped UpRelease Date:
20 Oct 2023Writers:
Cristina Catanzaro, Carrie Shaw