Likes for Sale (2023–) is a captivating and humorous series that revolves around the life of a failed actor determined to achieve fame at all costs. Taking the advice of an eccentric guru, he embarks on a relentless journey to gain popularity and recognition in the entertainment industry.
Set in a vibrant and fast-paced world, the series captures the protagonist's pursuit of online fame, shedding light on the increasing prominence of social media in shaping popularity. Viewers are taken on a wild ride as the actor navigates through the challenges and dilemmas posed by the digital age.
The show offers a unique perspective on the intersection of fame, authenticity, and the power of online validation. Through the protagonist's experiences, audiences are exposed to the pressures and anxieties that come with measuring one's success based on the number of likes, shares, and followers.
With its witty storytelling and compelling characters, Likes for Sale is not only a satirical take on the modern quest for fame, but it also serves as a thought-provoking reflection on the impact of social media on individuals and society.
Prepare to be entertained and enlightened as Likes for Sale takes you on a hilarious and thought-provoking journey into the modern-day pursuit of fame and the lengths people will go to be noticed.
Also Known As:
Compro LikesRelease Date:
22 Sep 2023Writers:
André Brandt