In The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course, the action-packed adventure begins when the renowned crocodile expert, The Crocodile Hunter (played by Steve Irwin), encounters a group of supposed poachers. Mistakenly thinking they are after wildlife, he sets off on a thrilling mission to protect the animals. However, he soon discovers that the individuals he is pursuing are actually CIA agents who are after something entirely different.
Unbeknownst to The Crocodile Hunter, the cunning crocodile he is attempting to save has unwittingly swallowed a top-secret tracking drone. As he races against time, the CIA agents, and the clockwork of international espionage, The Crocodile Hunter becomes entangled in a high-stakes game of cat and mouse.
Packed with heart-pounding moments and Irwin's signature charisma, The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course takes viewers on an exhilarating journey through the Australian Outback. With his daring stunts and infectious passion for wildlife, The Crocodile Hunter brings his unique brand of conservationist heroism to the big screen.
This family-friendly film combines thrilling action, captivating suspense, and a heartfelt message about the importance of environmental conservation. Whether you are a fan of wildlife, adventure, or simply looking for an entertaining and educational film, The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course is a must-watch for audiences of all ages.
Also Known As:
The Crocodile Hunter: Collision CourseRelease Date:
12 Jul 2002Writers:
John Stainton, Holly Goldberg SloanAwards:
1 win & 1 nomination