Raven Song (2022) follows the story of Nasser, a seemingly average individual who finds himself at a crossroads when he receives a devastating diagnosis of a brain tumor. As he tries to come to terms with the news, he crosses paths with a mysterious young woman who captivates him like no one before. Her enigmatic personality and peculiar charm leave him infatuated and questioning his own life and choices.
Driven by both his infatuation and a desire to escape the label of failure, Nasser embarks on a journey of self-discovery. The clock is ticking, urging him to quickly determine his aspirations and desires before it's too late.
Raven Song delves into themes of mortality, identity, and the pursuit of meaning. It explores the impact that profound encounters and unexpected circumstances can have on our lives. Nasser's story resonates with audiences as they witness his struggles and introspection, leading them to reflect on their own paths and choices.
This thought-provoking film takes viewers on a rollercoaster of emotions, challenging them to examine their own lives and the pursuit of fulfillment. With its nuanced storytelling and compelling performances, Raven Song is a captivating watch that leaves a lasting impression.
Also Known As:
Raven SongRelease Date:
02 Dec 2022Writers:
Mohamed al SalmanAwards:
1 nomination