Around the Fire is a captivating coming-of-age drama that tells the story of Simon, a young boy growing up in an affluent Manhattan household. Despite his privileged upbringing, Simon is tormented by the enigmatic circumstances surrounding the death of his sister. As he navigates his teenage years, Simon finds solace in his closest friends, including Jennifer, Harrison, and Max, with whom he forms a tight-knit group.
Set against the backdrop of the grunge era in the early 1990s, the film explores themes of love, loss, and self-discovery. Simon and his friends are drawn to the rebellious spirit of rock music and spend their nights hanging out at local venues and bonding over their shared experiences. Through their adventures, they explore the complexities of relationships and confront their own personal demons.
The film is a poignant exploration of the human condition, delving into the struggles of growing up and the search for meaning and identity. As the friends confront their pasts and confront the secrets that haunt them, they are forced to confront the realities of their privileged upbringing. Through their shared experiences, they find strength and healing in the power of friendship and music.
Around the Fire is a thought-provoking and emotionally charged film that will resonate with audiences of all ages. With its compelling characters and powerful storytelling, it offers a profound reflection on the universal struggles of youth and the importance of connection and self-discovery.
Also Known As:
Around the FireRelease Date:
04 Apr 2023Writers:
John W. Comerford, Tommy RosenAwards:
1 win