Survival of the Thickest is a captivating and empowering series that follows the journey of Mavis, a black, plus-size woman who is navigating life after a devastating breakup. With her life turned upside down, Mavis realizes that she has put all her hopes and dreams in one man's hands and now must rebuild her life from scratch.
Determined to not only survive but thrive, Mavis embarks on a remarkable transformation with the unwavering support of her chosen family. As she navigates the challenges of dating, self-acceptance, and finding her own happiness, Mavis discovers the true power of resilience and self-love.
Set against the backdrop of a vibrant community, Survival of the Thickest not only explores Mavis' personal journey but also delves into important themes such as body positivity, friendship, and embracing one's unique identity.
This series is a heartfelt and relatable exploration of the modern challenges faced by plus-size individuals, shining a light on the strength and resilience that exists within us all. With its authentic representation and warm-hearted storytelling, Survival of the Thickest promises to be an uplifting and inspiring viewing experience for audiences.
Also Known As:
Survival of the ThickestRelease Date:
13 Jul 2023Writers:
Michelle Buteau