Synopsis: In Hearts & Horses (2023), a heartfelt and heartwarming film, a man named John is unexpectedly confronted with fatherhood when a daughter he never knew existed arrives at his apple farm. Having spent 16 years unaware of her existence, John must navigate the challenges of building a relationship with his daughter, Emily. In this emotional journey, they discover that the key to bonding may lie in their shared love for horses. As they embark on this new chapter together, John and Emily learn to trust, forgive, and appreciate each other's unique qualities.
Set against the backdrop of a picturesque apple farm, Hearts & Horses offers a visually stunning and idyllic setting, showcasing the tranquil beauty of rural life. The film explores themes of family, connection, and personal growth, as both John and Emily learn valuable life lessons from each other.
Hearts & Horses is a heartwarming tale that evokes a range of emotions, from moments of laughter and joy to heartfelt tears. It highlights the power of love and resilience as it explores the challenges and triumphs of father-daughter relationships. This touching story is bound to captivate audiences of all ages and remind them of the importance of family and the transformative power of unconditional love.
Also Known As:
Hearts & HorsesRelease Date:
24 Jan 2023Writers:
Ashley Hays Wright