In Rock 'n' Roll High School (1979), rebellious high school student Riff Randell finds herself at odds with the school's new authoritarian principal, Miss Togar. Riff, a die-hard Ramones fan, spends her time listening to their music, dreaming of attending their concert, and causing mischief with her friends. When Miss Togar attempts to ban rock music from the school, Riff takes matters into her own hands.
Drawing on her passion for the Ramones, Riff devises a plan to bring the band to their school for a performance. With the help of her friends and fellow classmates, they work tirelessly to organize the event and defy Miss Togar's oppressive rule. As the battle between Riff and Miss Togar intensifies, chaos ensues, creating a hilarious and energetic atmosphere.
Rock 'n' Roll High School captures the spirit of rebellion and teenage angst during the late 1970s punk rock era. The film features iconic punk rock band the Ramones, who deliver unforgettable performances and contribute to the rebellious energy of the story. With its catchy soundtrack, infectious energy, and rebellious spirit, Rock 'n' Roll High School is a cult classic that resonates with music lovers and fans of coming-of-age stories.
Drawing on her passion for the Ramones, Riff devises a plan to bring the band to their school for a performance. With the help of her friends and fellow classmates, they work tirelessly to organize the event and defy Miss Togar's oppressive rule. As the battle between Riff and Miss Togar intensifies, chaos ensues, creating a hilarious and energetic atmosphere.
Rock 'n' Roll High School captures the spirit of rebellion and teenage angst during the late 1970s punk rock era. The film features iconic punk rock band the Ramones, who deliver unforgettable performances and contribute to the rebellious energy of the story. With its catchy soundtrack, infectious energy, and rebellious spirit, Rock 'n' Roll High School is a cult classic that resonates with music lovers and fans of coming-of-age stories.