Bats (1999), a thrilling creature feature film, explores the terrifying consequences of genetically mutated bats escaping their containment. Set in a small Texas town, chaos ensues as these monstrous creatures wreak havoc, leaving the locals in a nightmarish fight for survival. The story revolves around a renowned bat expert, Dr. Sheila Casper, and the determined local sheriff, Emmett Kimsey, who must join forces to confront this escalating threat.
As the tension rises, Dr. Casper and Sheriff Kimsey face numerous challenges, including skeptical townsfolk and a relentless chase to prevent the bats from spreading further. Drawing on their distinct expertise, the pair race against time to devise a plan to contain the bat infestation before it devastates the entire community.
Directed by Louis Morneau, Bats combines intense action with heart-pounding suspense to keep audiences on the edge of their seats. The film features a talented cast including Dina Meyer as Dr. Casper and Lou Diamond Phillips as Sheriff Kimsey, who deliver convincing performances that add depth to the characters and their relentless battle against the terrifying mutants.
With its gripping storyline, impressive special effects, and nail-biting sequences, Bats is a must-watch for fans of the horror and thriller genres. Get ready to be captivated by the thrilling fight between man and mutant as Dr. Casper and Sheriff Kimsey lead the charge against the relentless horde in this pulse-pounding creature feature.
Also Known As:
BatsRelease Date:
22 Oct 1999Writers:
John Logan