Supreme Team is a gripping three-part limited docuseries that delves into the dark underworld of the infamous Queens, New York gang. This compelling series paints an unflinching and raw picture of the gang's rise to power and the subsequent violence that ensued. Through interviews with the gang's leaders, Kenneth Supreme McGriff and Gerald Prince Miller, as well as their family members, the true story behind the Supreme Team is brought to light.
The series provides an in-depth and intimate look into the lives of McGriff and Miller, the key figures behind the gang's operations. As they recount their experiences, viewers gain insight into the motivations and circumstances that led them down this path of crime and violence. The series also features interviews with law enforcement officials, journalists, and expert analysts, offering a comprehensive perspective on the gang's impact on the Queens community and the larger criminal landscape.
Supreme Team avoids sensationalism and instead focuses on providing a balanced portrayal of the gang's activities. It offers an important exploration of the social, economic, and political factors that contributed to the Supreme Team's formation and longevity. With its mix of personal narratives, investigative journalism, and expert analysis, this docuseries offers a thought-provoking and insightful examination of a dark chapter in New York City's history.
The series provides an in-depth and intimate look into the lives of McGriff and Miller, the key figures behind the gang's operations. As they recount their experiences, viewers gain insight into the motivations and circumstances that led them down this path of crime and violence. The series also features interviews with law enforcement officials, journalists, and expert analysts, offering a comprehensive perspective on the gang's impact on the Queens community and the larger criminal landscape.
Supreme Team avoids sensationalism and instead focuses on providing a balanced portrayal of the gang's activities. It offers an important exploration of the social, economic, and political factors that contributed to the Supreme Team's formation and longevity. With its mix of personal narratives, investigative journalism, and expert analysis, this docuseries offers a thought-provoking and insightful examination of a dark chapter in New York City's history.