Dead End is a thrilling crime drama series set in Poland. The story revolves around a group of strangers who find themselves in a high-stakes situation when they accidentally drive off in a car containing two million zlotys, stolen from a bank heist.
As the strangers come to terms with their unplanned treasure, they quickly realize they are in grave danger. Pursued by ruthless criminals, they must rely on their wits and instincts to survive. Each member of the group has their own motivations and secrets, which adds tension and complexity to their predicament.
The series delves into the intense cat-and-mouse chase between the group and the criminals, as they navigate a treacherous landscape filled with unexpected twists and turns. As the strangers grow closer, they form unlikely alliances and must confront their own demons along the way.
Dead End is a gripping and suspenseful series that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. With its fast-paced narrative, well-developed characters, and enthralling plot, the show takes audiences on a thrilling ride, filled with suspense, action, and intrigue.
Don't miss this high-stakes adventure as the strangers take on a dangerous journey, where each decision could mean life or death. Dead End will leave viewers wanting more, as they unravel the mysteries and secrets that lie at the heart of this gripping tale.
Also Known As:
Pewnego razu na krajowej jedynceRelease Date:
01 Dec 2022