Easter Sunday (2022) is a hilarious comedy film that revolves around a family gathering centered around the celebration of Easter Sunday. Drawing inspiration from the real-life experiences and stand-up comedy of Jo Koy, this movie is a laugh-out-loud exploration of family dynamics and cultural clashes.
In this uproarious comedy, audiences are invited to join in on the rollercoaster ride of the Alvarez family's Easter Sunday celebration. Filled with a colorful cast of characters, including Jo Koy himself, the film showcases the unique and sometimes outrageous antics that ensue when this diverse group of relatives come together under one roof.
With witty dialogue, relatable situations, and plenty of heartwarming moments, Easter Sunday serves up a joyful and hilarious cinematic experience. Audiences can expect to be entertained by the humorous mishaps, playful banter, and unexpected surprises that unfold throughout the movie.
Directed by Jay Chandrasekhar, known for his work on popular comedies such as Super Troopers, and featuring an ensemble cast that includes several talented comedians, Easter Sunday promises to keep viewers entertained from start to finish. Whether you're seeking a lighthearted escape or a relatable exploration of family dynamics, this comedy is a perfect choice for a laugh-filled movie night.
Also Known As:
Easter SundayRelease Date:
05 Aug 2022Writers:
Kate Angelo, Ken Cheng