Summary: Andra Avenyn is a Swedish TV series that revolves around the lives of a diverse group of characters residing in the vibrant city of Gothenburg. The central focus of the show is on a former prisoner named David, who is trying to rebuild his life while dealing with his complex relationships. His son, William, is a talented boxer struggling with his own identity and sexuality.
David's on-and-off girlfriend, Sofia, is a devout Christian who often clashes with her father, a priest. The series delves into the moral conflicts and challenges they face due to their different beliefs. David's close friend, Mark, adds a touch of psychological depth to the show as a psychiatrist trying to navigate his own personal issues.
One of the intriguing characters in the series is Jasmine, a foster child in David's care. Her troubled past adds an element of mystery and offers a fresh perspective on the complexities of family dynamics. The storyline revolves around the individual struggles of these characters, their struggles with love, loyalty, and personal growth.
Andra Avenyn skillfully intertwines multiple storylines, touching upon themes of redemption, forgiveness, and personal growth. The show offers a nuanced portrayal of the complexities of human relationships and the challenges faced when trying to overcome past mistakes. With its compelling characters and intricate plotlines, Andra Avenyn presents a captivating and thought-provoking viewing experience for audiences seeking engaging drama.
Also Known As:
Andra Avenyn / Second AvenueRelease Date:
23 Sep 2007Writers:
Peter Emanuel Falck, Christian WikanderAwards:
1 nomination