In the gripping thriller The Dinner (2017), affluent parents Paul and Claire Lohman, played by Steve Coogan and Laura Linney, invite Stan and Katelyn, played by Richard Gere and Rebecca Hall, to an upscale restaurant for a critical discussion. The two couples meet to confront the disturbing crime committed by their teenage sons. As the evening unfolds, tensions rise and hidden secrets are unveiled, unravelling the fine line between loyalty and self-preservation.
Directed by Oren Moverman, The Dinner explores the complexities of modern family dynamics as the parents grapple with their moral responsibilities. As the couples endeavor to come to a consensus regarding their sons' actions, their differences in values and priorities become startlingly clear.
As the narrative cleverly alternates between the present and a series of flashbacks, the chilling reality of the crime gradually comes to light. As Paul, Claire, Stan, and Katelyn delve deeper into the unsettling revelations, the audience is left on the edge of their seats, gripped by the intensity and suspense of the film.
The Dinner delves into themes of morality, justice, and the lengths parents will go to protect their children. The exceptional performances by the stellar cast, coupled with a thought-provoking storyline, make this psychological thriller a must-watch for fans of intense dramas and twisted family dynamics.
Also Known As:
The DinnerRelease Date:
18 May 2017Writers:
Herman Koch, Oren MovermanAwards:
1 win & 2 nominations