8 Heads in a Duffel Bag is a dark comedy film that revolves around Charlie, a mob hitman tasked with delivering a duffel bag containing the severed heads of eight individuals. However, a mix-up occurs, and Charlie realizes that his bag has been switched. As he desperately tries to locate his bag, he confronts a series of hilarious and chaotic situations.
Joined by his unsuspecting new girlfriend, Laurie, Charlie embarks on a comedic journey to recover the bag and salvage his reputation. Along the way, they encounter a variety of eccentric characters, including a potential victim of mistaken identity, a nosy airport worker, and a family vacationing in Mexico.
As the clock ticks and the pressure mounts, Charlie must find a way to retrieve the heads without alerting the authorities or his own mob associates. With his own life on the line, he navigates through comical misunderstandings and mishaps, creating a chaotic and uproarious adventure.
8 Heads in a Duffel Bag is a hilarious blend of dark humor and farcical situations, guaranteeing non-stop laughs as Charlie attempts to untangle a web of mistaken identity and retrieve his gruesome cargo.
Also Known As:
8 Heads in a Duffel BagRelease Date:
18 Apr 1997Writers:
Tom SchulmanAwards:
1 win