Trevlig helg is a Swedish comedy series set in the fictional town of Västerköping. In this hilarious show, we follow the lives of various quirky characters as they navigate through their weekend adventures.
The youngest local politician, Elton, finds himself faced with an ethical dilemma that seems impossible to solve. Meanwhile, Väktar-Åsa, the town's security guard, finds herself in trouble with the police. And Terese, an unexpected character, suddenly becomes determined to fix the recycling machine.
With a stellar cast that includes popular comedy stars Johanna Nordström and Hampus Nessvold, this series promises to keep you entertained from start to finish. The comedic chemistry between the actors adds an extra layer of humor to the already hilarious adventures of the characters.
Trevlig helg provides viewers with a light-hearted and enjoyable escape, perfect for those looking for a good laugh. With its clever writing and relatable characters, this series is sure to become a favorite among comedy lovers.
Don't miss out on the laughter and entertainment that Trevlig helg has to offer. Join Elton, Väktar-Åsa, Terese, and the rest of the eccentric Västerköping residents on their weekend escapades. Sit back, relax, and get ready for a truly enjoyable viewing experience.
Also Known As:
Trevlig helgRelease Date:
18 Feb 2021