In the fast-paced action thriller Burn (2022), a skilled hitman named Jacob receives devastating news: his younger brother, Nolan, has killed the wife of a powerful mob boss. With time running out, Jacob must find Nolan and save him from the contract killer hired to take him down. However, he only has a perilously short two-day window to do so.
As the brothers race against the clock, they navigate a dangerous underworld filled with treacherous criminals and deadly traps. Jacob must rely on all his training and expertise to outsmart their pursuers, protect his brother, and ultimately escape with their lives. With each passing minute, the tension rises as the contract killer closes in, threatening to bring their world crashing down.
Burn immerses viewers in a gritty and suspenseful narrative, filled with heart-stopping action and unexpected twists. Made for adrenaline junkies, this high-stakes thriller promises intense chase scenes, adrenaline-fueled shootouts, and a thrilling game of cat and mouse. Delving into themes of brotherhood, loyalty, and sacrifice, Burn explores how far one man is willing to go to protect his family and whether he can outsmart his relentless adversaries.
Get ready for a pulse-pounding ride through the underworld, where the stakes are sky-high and survival is the only option. Don't miss Burn, a gripping and adrenaline-charged film that will leave you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.
Also Known As:
BurnRelease Date:
01 Apr 2022Writers:
Patrick Lazzara