Alena is a compelling Swedish psychological thriller that takes place in an elite boarding school. The film follows the story of the titular character, Alena, as she navigates the challenges of her new environment. However, her arrival sparks the harassment of a group of girls led by Filippa. Alena's only solace is her best friend, Josefin, who is determined not to let her suffer any longer.
As the bullying intensifies, Alena finds herself torn between standing up for herself and allowing Josefin to take matters into her own hands. This conflict leads to a gripping and suspenseful exploration of friendship, loyalty, and the brutality of adolescence.
Directed by Daniel di Grado, Alena is a dark and atmospheric film that delves into the emotional turmoil of its characters. The narrative is expertly layered to keep viewers on the edge of their seats, as they witness the escalating tension between the two girls.
With stellar performances from the cast, particularly from leading actresses Amalia Holm and Molly Nutley, Alena delves into the profound impact that bullying can have on individuals. The film serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of compassion and support in the face of adversity.
Alena is a must-watch for fans of psychological thrillers, offering a thought-provoking and unsettling exploration of the complexities of friendship and the consequences of cruelty.
Also Known As:
AlenaRelease Date:
19 Aug 2016Writers:
Kerstin Gezelius, Alexander Onofri, Daniel di GradoAwards:
1 nomination