Red Stone is a thrilling action movie that follows a dangerous hitman on a mission to find a teenage boy who witnessed a brutal murder. The hitman, played by Neal McDonough, is tasked with tracking down the boy before a ruthless Southern crime lord, portrayed by Michael Cudlitz, can silence him forever. As the hitman closes in on his target, he faces numerous challenges and obstacles that test his skills and determination.
This fast-paced film offers an intense and suspenseful storyline that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. With expertly choreographed action sequences and a gripping plot, Red Stone promises to deliver a thrilling cinematic experience.
Starring renowned actors Neal McDonough and Michael Cudlitz, Red Stone showcases their exceptional performances and compelling on-screen chemistry. The movie is directed by a talented filmmaker known for his expertise in the action genre, ensuring a visually stunning and captivating production.
With its blend of high-stakes action, suspense, and impressive performances, Red Stone is a must-watch for fans of adrenaline-pumping movies. Prepare to be immersed in a world of danger and intrigue as the hitman races against time to protect the teenage witness and take down the ruthless crime lord. Can he succeed in his mission, or will the forces of evil prevail? Find out in Red Stone.
Also Known As:
Red StoneRelease Date:
03 Dec 2021Writers:
Derek Presley