Side Hustle is a comedy series that revolves around the misadventures of best friends Lex and Presley. When an unfortunate accident destroys their friend Munch's father's boat, they come up with a brilliant plan to make some quick money. Lex and Presley decide to use their entrepreneurial skills and start their own side business to raise the funds needed to fix the boat.
Lex is known for her intelligence and quick wit, while Presley is confident and tough. Together, they embark on a series of hilarious and sometimes crazy schemes, trying out different odd jobs and unconventional gigs to make ends meet. From pet sitting to becoming human mannequins, the duo becomes involved in a wide range of hysterical situations.
Throughout their side hustles, Lex and Presley learn important life lessons about friendship, perseverance, and the value of hard work. They also encounter eccentric characters and face unexpected challenges along the way. With their determination and unique problem-solving skills, they manage to turn these obstacles into opportunities, proving that with a little creativity, anything is possible.
Side Hustle is a light-hearted and entertaining series that showcases the power of friendship and innovation. With its relatable characters and laugh-out-loud moments, this show is guaranteed to keep viewers entertained and wanting more.
Also Known As:
Side HustleRelease Date:
07 Nov 2020Writers:
David Malkoff