Star Wars: Visions (2021–) is a thrilling anthology series that combines the captivating storytelling of the Star Wars universe with the unique creativity of renowned anime creators. This collaboration brings together the world's best anime talent to deliver a visually stunning and compelling exploration of the beloved Star Wars franchise.
Each episode of Star Wars: Visions presents a standalone story, allowing viewers to embark on new adventures and discover fresh perspectives in the Star Wars universe. From epic battles to unexpected alliances, each installment offers a distinct narrative and visual style, showcasing the diverse and imaginative storytelling that anime is known for.
Throughout the series, fans will witness the awe-inspiring fusion of the iconic Star Wars elements with the distinct aesthetics and techniques of anime. From breathtaking landscapes to intricate character designs, the animation brings the Star Wars universe to life in a whole new way, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in this dynamic and captivating world.
With an array of anime creators at the helm, Star Wars: Visions promises a captivating blend of traditional and futuristic storytelling, ensuring a thrilling and engaging experience for both die-hard Star Wars enthusiasts and anime fans alike. As each episode reveals new dimensions of the Star Wars universe, viewers will undoubtedly find themselves captivated by the unique and awe-inspiring tales that unfold before them.
Also Known As:
Star Wars: VisionsRelease Date:
22 Sep 2021Awards:
Nominated for 1 Primetime Emmy. 4 nominations total