In the thrilling sci-fi film Meteor, chaos ensues when a massive meteor strikes Earth, causing catastrophic destruction and unleashing a wave of deadly mercenaries. The story follows a solitary rancher and an orphaned young girl as they find themselves in a desperate fight for survival.
As the meteor's impact leaves a trail of devastation across the land, our heroes must navigate treacherous terrain and evade the clutches of merciless mercenaries who seek to exploit the chaos. With danger lurking around every corner, their only hope lies in their resourcefulness and determination to outrun their pursuers.
Amidst the turmoil, the rancher and the young girl develop an unexpected bond, finding solace and support in each other's company. Together, they must overcome their fears and confront their own vulnerabilities in order to outsmart their relentless adversaries.
Meteor is an adrenaline-fueled ride that combines elements of action, adventure, and suspense. With stunning visuals and heart-pounding sequences, this film offers viewers a thrilling and immersive experience. Directed by a talented team of filmmakers, Meteor presents a thought-provoking exploration of survival, resilience, and the strength of human connection.
Prepare to be on the edge of your seat as you join these two unlikely heroes on their perilous journey against all odds in Meteor.
Also Known As:
MeteorRelease Date:
23 Nov 2021Writers:
Brett Bentman