Only Yesterday (1991) is a touching and nostalgic animated film that follows the journey of a twenty-seven-year-old office worker named Taeko. Feeling unsatisfied with her life in Tokyo, Taeko decides to take a break and embarks on a trip to the countryside. As she travels, memories from her childhood begin to resurface, providing a vivid insight into her past.
Through a series of flashbacks, viewers are transported to Taeko's younger years. As the narrative shifts between her present and her past, Taeko reflects on her early school experiences, friendships, and the challenges she faced during adolescence. These poignant memories allow Taeko to rediscover her true self and confront her inner struggles.
Intertwined with Taeko's personal journey are the stunning landscapes of rural Japan. The lush scenery and serene environment beautifully contrast with the urban chaos of Tokyo, providing a visual feast for the audience.
Directed by Studio Ghibli co-founder Isao Takahata, Only Yesterday is a heartwarming exploration of self-discovery, personal growth, and the universal experiences of childhood. The film delicately explores themes of identity, love, and the meaning of life while capturing the essence of Japanese culture.
With its beautifully hand-drawn animation, evocative score, and relatable characters, Only Yesterday is a must-watch for fans of Studio Ghibli and anyone seeking a thought-provoking and emotional cinematic experience.
Also Known As:
Omohide poro poroRelease Date:
26 Feb 2016Writers:
Hotaru Okamoto, Yuuko Tone, David FreedmanAwards:
1 win & 8 nominations