In the heartwarming animated film A Silent Voice (Koe no katachi), a young man named Shoya Ishida becomes an outcast among his classmates after he mercilessly bullies a deaf girl named Shoko Nishimiya. Shoko, unable to bear the torment, moves away, leaving Shoya with regret and guilt.
Years later, plagued by the consequences of his actions, Shoya decides to confront his past and seek redemption. He reaches out to Shoko, hoping to make amends and reconnect with her. As their paths intertwine, both characters face their own personal struggles and learn invaluable lessons about empathy, forgiveness, and the power of second chances.
A Silent Voice tackles important themes of bullying, mental health, and the challenges faced by the disabled community. Through its breathtaking animation and deeply emotional storytelling, the film explores the impact our words and actions can have on others and the transformative power of genuine remorse.
With its compelling narrative and relatable characters, A Silent Voice offers a powerful message of redemption, healing, and the capacity for change. It is a must-watch for audiences of all ages, delivering a heartfelt story that will leave viewers inspired and moved.
Also Known As:
Koe no katachiRelease Date:
17 Sep 2016Writers:
Yoshitoki Oima, Reiko Yoshida, Kiyoshi ShigematsuAwards:
4 wins & 8 nominations