Demonic is a chilling horror film that centers around a young woman who unwittingly releases terrifying demons into the world. The story revolves around a decades-old rift between a mother and daughter, which is finally brought to light when supernatural forces intervene.
As the young woman delves deeper into her mother's mysterious past, she stumbles upon a dark secret that has been hidden for years. This revelation unleashes a series of terrifying events, as the demons from the past are unleashed and wreak havoc on their lives.
With a gripping storyline and bone-chilling visuals, Demonic takes viewers on a thrilling and suspenseful journey. As the supernatural forces grow stronger, the mother and daughter must confront their past and face the demons that have haunted them for so long.
Filled with unexpected twists and turns, Demonic offers a fresh take on the horror genre, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats from beginning to end. With stellar performances and a haunting atmosphere, this film is sure to keep horror enthusiasts engaged and unnerved.
Prepare to be captivated by Demonic as it unravels the mysteries of a deeply disturbing mother-daughter relationship and the terrifying consequences that come with uncovering hidden secrets. Available now for streaming, this suspenseful horror flick is not to be missed.
Also Known As:
DemonicRelease Date:
20 Aug 2021Writers:
Neill BlomkampAwards:
2 nominations